Thursday, February 21, 2013

Victini EX Full Art- Plasma Storm Card Review

Sorry about that guys, in my last post I forgot to say my next card will be Victini EX:/
Today's Pokemon card review will be of Victini EX. Victini EX is a Fire type Pokemon with a weakness to water x2, no resistance, a retreat cost of one colorless energy, and 110HP. This Pokemon has no abilities, but has two moves. One of them being Turbo Energize, which requires one fire energy, allows you to search your deck for 2 basic energy cards and attach them to your benched Pokemon any way you like, then you shuffle your deck afterwards. The second move is called Intensifying Burn, which requires one fire energy, and two double colorless energies. This move does 50+ damage, which in this case says that if the defending pokemon is also an EX, then this attack does 30 more damage.

Victini EX is a pretty great card for gameplay. First off, if you can get get him out in your active at the beginning, its first move is pretty much just setting up itself. You draw two basic energies. If you already have a fire energy attached, two more energies is pretty much all you need for Intensifying Burn. Even though you have to put them on your benched pokemon, you could easily get them to Victini EX with a couple of energy reversals. His second move, Intensifying Burn, is a great move if you are trying to finish off an opponent's EX to get that 1 extra prize card when you defeat an EX. Very handy in gameplay, especially for the fact that, in my opinion, it doesn't take that many energies. 3 energies for a move that can end up doing 80 damage to an EX is pretty good in my opinion. Victini is one of the EX's that doesn't have that much HP though, so an opponent's EX can easily knock him out, so you'll want to have that energy ready to retreat him just incase things get ugly.

I will give Victini a 4/5. It is a relatively good card being an EX, even though it kind of drew the short straw when it comes to HP. Victini is one of those great pokemon that has the power to really help out the rest of the team when it uses its move Turbo Energize. And its Intensifying Burn will be very helpful in game play against a strong opponent who has a few EX's. Overall great moves that don't do any damage to itself, which is also nice. Victini EX's retreat cost is simply awesome. Only one colorless energy, which in case you don't know can be any energy. A resistance might have been helpful though, especially when your opponent is using water pokemon in their deck. Just a great pokemon to have in your deck if you have the backup with the trainers and a few other good Pokemom.

Tomorrow's Pokemom Card:
Thank you guys for reading today's review on Victini EX, hope you guys enjoyed it. Tomorrow I will be posting a review on Cubchoo from the Next Destinies Series, so stay tuned!

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